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General Information

Mobile Device Management

It is a requirement at RGS that all devices a pupil wishes to use at school must be registered on with the MDM.

RGS will provide and pay for all the required educational Apps. The MDM allows us to quickly distribute Apps to your child’s iPad as well provision email and print settings. MDMs do not enable RGS to monitor your child’s activity and it does not allow access to personal content.

Registering the device takes only a couple of minutes and can be done at home or in school. When your child joins one of our schools, you will receive further information about device registration.


We will provision the required Apps via our MDM solution. These will be deployed to iPads automatically when a pupil registers their device on our system.

Pupils will not be expected to install Apps during the school day. Please ensure that the required apps are installed prior to your child arriving at school.

A list of the apps that have already been purchased for your child can be found here. This list is subject to change as new apps are added or removed.

As your child moves through the school and apps are not required, they will be automatically removed.

If a device is wiped or unenrolled from the MDM then the apps will be removed and work may be lost so please get in touch before making any changes. 


Pupils will require a total of three different user accounts to enable them to fully utilise their iPad at RGS. In this section you can find out about the different accounts.


This will normally be the surname, followed by the first initial of each pupil. For example, a pupil called Peter Smith would be provided with a User ID of smithp.

The RGS eMail address provided to each pupil will be their User ID followed by, for example Pupils use the same password for both their RGS eMail and UserID accounts. All pupils from Year Five and above are provided with a school eMail address.

The RGS User ID (often it will be referred to as the UserID) is used to log into computers at school, and RGS accounts for email, printing and to access files.

To log onto the WiFi signal whilst at school, pupils must use the RGS Student WiFi. When you register an iPhone, iPad or indeed any device on the MDM at school (something you only have to do once) you will use your RGS email address and password to connect.

RGS Google Drive Account

The school will also create an RGS Google Drive account for each pupil.
RGS is able to control (i.e. reset passwords) for all Google Accounts ending with the domain

The RGS Google accounts are unlimited in terms of data storage and most importantly, because they are known to be in an educational domain, Google does not index or search our content. These accounts can be used by both teachers and learners to share content, provision resources etc. The accounts can be accessed on iPads, mobile phones and desktop computers at home and at school allowing safe and unlimited storage of their work. 

Here is where it can get confusing. The RGS Google Account ID will be the same as the RGS eMail account, e.g. However this is something you need to remember – it is a different password (unless you set them both to be the same). The RGS account and the Google account are not linked.

Apple ID/iCloud Account

In order to use any iOS device you need to associate the iPad or iPhone with an iCloud account. You may already have one. In some instances parents have associated their iCloud with their son/daughter’s iPad. This is no longer the recommended course of action. Apple has now created  Family Sharing. This now allows pupils under the age of 13 to have an iCloud account which can be associated with a parental account. This is now the recommended course of action. Further details of how to set this up can be found here.