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Accident report forms:

In the event of an accident or injury requiring First Aid, the relevant member of staff should complete an Accident Report form on the same day or as soon as is reasonably practical after the incident. As much detail as possible should be supplied when reporting the incident including a description of the nature of the event and what First Aid was given. What happened to the injured or ill person immediately afterwards should also be recorded.

For an accident / incident involving a pupil: The Accident Form should be given to the school Nurse who will then pass it on to the Assistant Head (Pastoral).

RGSW-Accident-Form PUPILS

For an accident / incident involving a member of staff or visitor: The Accident Form should be reviewed by the Director of Finance and Operations and returned to the Head of Estates/ or Health and Safety Manager for follow-up investigation if requested by the Director of Finance and Operations. 

RGSW-Accident Form – STAFF V2.0 Sept22