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Desktop Computers

All of our schools still use desktop computers for a variety of lessons. The login details that you have been provided with will be used to access the computers. 

In the past, logging onto a computer made a direct connection to school server.  The new system works slightly differently by creating a ‘local’ home folder on the computer you login to and then giving you access to your files that are stored on the server.

Logging on in this way can make logging onto a computer faster but to take advantage of this it is recommended that you login to the same computer whenever possible.

The sections below will take you through step by step on how you can view your existing files, save new documents and organise your school work. 

Files and Folders

Do not be alarmed when you first login to a computer and find that your desktop is empty. 

The system does not display files and folders on the desktop anymore.

Do not save files to your desktop, these files will not be accessible of you login to a different computer. Please save files to the Documents folder. 

To locate your existing files and folders you can either click your username in the sidebar (see below). 

Or you can click the Earth icon that is located in the dock (see below).

Once you have clicked either of these, your home folder will be displayed. Click Desktop or Documents for example to display your existing files (see below).

All files and folders that are located here will be available on any computer that you login to at RGS.

The image below shows the desktop folder that is only located on the computer you are using.

To view these files click Go at the top of the screen then select Home.

The image below displays your Home folder that is located on the school servers. To transfer the files  to here, simply drag your file or folder to the required location.