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Pullinger Boat Club

The Pullinger Boat Club is the parents’ and friends’ committee supporting RGS Worcester Boat Club. Pullinger Boat Club organises a range of fundraising and social events throughout the year. The name Pullinger comes from Henry Pullinger who was Headmaster of RGS Worcester when the Boat Club was founded in 1943. 

Previous events and future ideas to raise funds and provide great opportunities for both rowers and parents to get together whilst raising funds:

  • Meet other parents at rowing fixtures under our new gazebo
  • Supporting the Rowing Awards Evening
  • Social dinner evening
  • Quiz night
  • BBQ, cake stall and bar at the End of Season Regatta
  • Parents’ trip to the Henley Royal Regatta

Over recent years, your generosity has allowed for the purchase of many items which have enhanced our rowers’ experience, such as Stroke Coaches to improve in-boat feedback and oars for the trainer boats